Neena Raj Jan 25, 2024

Job Roles And Salary Outlook Of Human Resource Professionals

Human Resources Professionals support the success of both people and organizations. The task of HR professionals vary depending on the organization, but they typically communicate with both management and employees. They organize, oversee, and coordinate businesses' administrative operations. Recruitment and staffing, organizational departmental planning, performance management, administration of salary and benefits, advice on employment legislation, and creation of corporate rules and procedures are all examples of responsibilities. 

Also read:  Human Resource Management Careers in Dubai

No matter if they are for-profit corporations, privately held businesses, or nonprofit organizations, all organizations need a human resources department. To resolve (or proactively address) personnel difficulties, HR managers interact closely with other department heads and report to higher management. Continue reading to find out what it entails to manage HR. 

Most people misjudge the meaning of the HR division and accept that it exists just to scatter checks. The obligation of HR (HR) the board, in any case, goes much past guaranteeing that specialists are redressed. The recruiting system, progression arranging, firm consistency with work guidelines, representative advantages, badgering claims, and different obligations are under the oversight of HR administrators.

Roles Of A Skilled HR Professional

The duties of a skilled HR professional can vary depending on the size and type of organization, but generally include:

  • Help coworkers and manage regulatory tasks within an organization and address employee concerns, conflicts, and complaints.
  • Enrolling, recruiting and preparing new representatives to ensure they feel prepared to start their new positions.
  • Meet with various administrators to discuss systems and encourage the implementation of changes that might increase productivity in the workplace. 
  • Oversee projects related to employee benefits and help with planning everyday work tasks. 
  • Administration and communication to effectively communicate with the employees they supervise. On the off chance that you're keen on a vocation in HR, you could investigate fostering these abilities.
  • Identifying training and development needs, designing and delivering training programs, and managing professional development programs.

Also read: Benefit of Human Resource Management Course

Salary Range Of Human Resource Professionals

HR-related professions typically offer secure employment and serious pay rates. Some businesses might also provide their HR professionals with perks like managed time, health insurance, and 401(k) planning. HR supervisors made a middle compensation of $106,910 in 2016, as per the U.S. Agency of Labor Statistics (BLS). The top 10% of workers brought back home more than $193,550. (Your procuring potential might differ depending upon your area, level of training, and profession, among different contemplations.)

HR supervisors' work is supposed to extend by 9% somewhere in the range of 2016 and 2026, which is around normal for all occupations. HR supervisors will be sought after to deal with the HR office when new firms are framed. HR chiefs will likewise be required when business rules relate to compensations, medical services and word-related security and well-being, equivalent work, an amazing open door, and retirement plan development. Those with a graduate degree or HR endorsements will have the best vocation possibilities given the extreme contention for HR the board jobs.

Factors Affecting the Average HR Manager Salary

Human Resource (HR) professionals' salaries vary based on several factors, including their job title, industry, years of experience, and location. There are several factors that affect the salary of an HR manager:

  • Your skills
  • Your experience
  • Your location (the city you live and work in)
  • Your employer

Listed below are some common HR job titles and their corresponding salaries:

HR job titles USA UK UAE INDIA
HR Assistant $30,000 - $55,000 per year £18,000 - £26,000 per year AED 60,000 - AED 100,000 per year INR 200,000 - INR 500,000 per year
HR Coordinator $40,000 - $70,000 per year £25,000 - £35,000 per year AED 90,000 - AED 130,000 per year INR 300,000 - INR 700,000 per year
HR Generalist $50,000 - $90,000 per year £35,000 - £55,000 per year AED 120,000 - AED 180,000 per year INR 500,000 - INR 1,200,000 per year
HR Manager $70,000 - $130,000 per year £45,000 - £70,000 per year AED 180,000 - AED 300,000 per year INR 800,000 - INR 2,000,000 per year
HR Director $100,000 - $180,000 per year £80,000 - £150,000+ per year AED 300,000 - AED 600,000 per year INR 2,000,000 - INR 5,000,000+ per year
Chief HR Officer (CHRO) $150,000 - $300,000+ per year £150,000 - £300,000+ per year AED 500,000 - AED 1,000,000+ per year INR 3,000,000 - INR 10,000,000+ per year

The figures here are based on general estimates and may vary by industry, company size, etc. Furthermore, an individual's education, skills, and performance can influence their salaries.

Also read, How to Become a Successful HR professional?

Wrapping UP

The growth of the business is contingent on how businesses with HR divisions expand and function independently because HR vocations exist within firms. A rise in HR jobs is also possible as a result of the establishment of new businesses that require HR specialists. Consider a career in human resources management if you find both business administration and human behaviour interesting. These fundamentals ought to set you out in the correct direction.

Also read: Importance of HR Certification for Human Resource Professionals 

Locations Where Edoxi Offers HR Certification Courses

Here is the list of other major locations where Edoxi offers HR Certification Courses

Country UAE Qatar Oman
Course Location Dubai Doha Muscat

Neena Raj is a soft skills trainer at Edoxi with over 24 years of experience. Her specialities include public speaking and emotional intelligence training. Neena’s training specialisation includes organisational behaviour and team dynamics, Cross-cultural communication, Performance management systems and Life coaching and development

Neena has an MBA in Sales and Marketing from Loyola College, a Diploma in Psychological Counselling, and is pursuing a PhD in Psychology. She is also an NLP Certified Trainer and holds several certifications, including Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP), Certified Human Resource Manager (CHRM) and Total Quality Management Certification.

She has delivered public speaking training for many of Dubai’s leading companies and government entities, including the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), Emirates Airlines, DP World, Dubai International Hotel, and others.
